Dolly Mimie,
I was down with fever for a week and I had to skip school to rest at home.
Alhamdulilah I am now okay and healthy again.
Yesterday my teacher gave me a homework... colour the 7 names of our Prophet Muhammad's children, 3 boys and 4 girls...Qassim, Abdullah ,Ibrahim, Fatimah, Zainab, Umi Kalthum, Siti Rukayyah. It was a lot of colouring to do.. My mommy asked me to take a five minute break after each name is coloured and I finally fininshed my colouring at 9 o'clock at night. My teacher said if I colour the names beautifully she will give me a present.
Last Sunday I cried after coming back from my kafa class. I was so sad because my friend, Tengku told me if I scribble any picture in my iqra exercise book, my face will be ugly... My mommy said not to worry because my face is still cute and my mommy also gave me another new exercise book for me to do my drawing and another one for my new iqra exercise book. I can now enjoy drawing during recess at my kafa class.
Bye bye for now... salam.