Sunday, October 18, 2009

A short trip to Brunei

Dolly Mimie,

Last weekend I followed my parents to Brunei Darussalam . This is our first trip to Brunei .

Thank you ayah and mama for making this trip an enjoyable one. Alhamdulillah.

Enjoy the slide show .........

I have to study since my final exam will start next week...byeeee.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sad and Happy Hariraya

Dolly Mimie,

It's already the 8th of Syawal and I'm going back to school today.

My Hariraya was a combination of sad and happy modes .

1st Syawal my grandmother (my father's mother ) passed away peacefully . I was there to read some quranic verses and and I couldn't hold my tears from flowing down my cheeks . I love my grandmother Sapiah very much. Even though she seldom remembered me and she always asked me the same questions whenever she greeted me . " Sapo namo ekau ?? Umur ekau beghapo ?? " those were her favourite questions . I would give her the same answer again and again and sometimes I smiled and giggled when she asked me those questions.

I kissed my grandmother on her cheek for the very last time before her body was fully covered with kain kafan .

I'm gonna miss her . Al Fatihah.

It's raya time . Of course I wanted to be happy but with what had happened on the 1st raya, my mom decided not to visit anybody on the 2nd raya . My father was still on his way back from Abu Dhabi to visit his mother's grave ( felt sorry for him since he wasn't here with us on hariraya ) . My father arrived in Perak after maghrib and he hugged and kissed me as usual . He looked sad because his beloved mother was no longer here to stay.

On 3 rd raya my parents brought me to visit my mom's auntie and my auntie in Ipoh. We also visited my mom's father's grave in Ipoh .

I'm happy to meet all my cousins in Ipoh during hariraya .

4th raya we came back to Kemaman .

That's my raya story .


Sunday, September 13, 2009

I love ALLAH and ALLAH loves me too

Dolly Mimie,

One more week before we celebrate Eid Mubarak.

This year I am quite sad because I am not able to complete my Ramadan , so far I had missed 3 days of fasting because of my illness, joints infection and stomach ache . I was admitted to KMC for 2 days and had to take some medications to cure my illness.

My mom says it's okay to skip fasting because I was sick and she still keeps her promise to give RM50 and a new bicycle as my Syawal gifts . My daddy had already given me USD50 for my raya token. Thanks daddy.

I asked my mom :

" Why does Allah make me sick during this fasting month ?? "

My mom answered :

" Because Allah loves you and HE wants to test you whether you are strong and patient or not . "

Well.... I love ALLAH and I know ALLAH loves me too .

I am also happy now because my nephew Umair is now at my house and he really likes to play with me, sometimes he pulls my hair and my glasses ( I'm now wearing glassse ) . I love Umair .

Both my sisters Sofie and Maya had gone back to their towns and I am going to miss them very much .

I like to wish " SELAMAT HARI RAYA , MAAF ZAHIR BATIN " to all of you . We are going back to Ipoh, only me, mama and Izzat ... my daddy is away in Abu Dhabi this Syawal...I miss him...

Till we meet again InsyaAllah.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A visit to Sabah

Dolly Mimie,

August 5th-10th my family and I visited Kota Kinabalu Sabah. I had a chance to visit Mount Kinabalu and many other tourist attractions.

Enjoy the slide ............

Alhamdulillah , I am so happy to be there with my family.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My 7th birthday ...

Dolly Mimie,

Yesterday was my 7th birthday. I was so excited and happy to have many cupcakes baked by my sister Sofie. I also celebrated my birthday at school in the morning and in the evening I had another party at home.

Praise be to Allah . I'm now a happy 7-year-old girl ...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Medan Trip

Dolly Mimie,

School holidays is almost over . I am so happy because this time around I got a chance to spend my holidays away from Kemaman .

I met my grandmothers Wan Sapiah and Opah Lipah in Ipoh and then my family and I went on a 6-day-trip to Medan Indonesia.

Medan, Parapat, Lake Toba and Brastagi are a few places that we visited. The zcenery was very amazing .

Thank you daddy for inviting me to join this trip you ayah.

See you again next time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I miss Umair

Dolly Mimie,

I miss my nephew Umair who had gone back to Jordan . I hope Umair is happy and healthy there.

Till then, hope you enjoy those pictures of Umair , my cute little nephew.