Sunday, September 13, 2009

I love ALLAH and ALLAH loves me too

Dolly Mimie,

One more week before we celebrate Eid Mubarak.

This year I am quite sad because I am not able to complete my Ramadan , so far I had missed 3 days of fasting because of my illness, joints infection and stomach ache . I was admitted to KMC for 2 days and had to take some medications to cure my illness.

My mom says it's okay to skip fasting because I was sick and she still keeps her promise to give RM50 and a new bicycle as my Syawal gifts . My daddy had already given me USD50 for my raya token. Thanks daddy.

I asked my mom :

" Why does Allah make me sick during this fasting month ?? "

My mom answered :

" Because Allah loves you and HE wants to test you whether you are strong and patient or not . "

Well.... I love ALLAH and I know ALLAH loves me too .

I am also happy now because my nephew Umair is now at my house and he really likes to play with me, sometimes he pulls my hair and my glasses ( I'm now wearing glassse ) . I love Umair .

Both my sisters Sofie and Maya had gone back to their towns and I am going to miss them very much .

I like to wish " SELAMAT HARI RAYA , MAAF ZAHIR BATIN " to all of you . We are going back to Ipoh, only me, mama and Izzat ... my daddy is away in Abu Dhabi this Syawal...I miss him...

Till we meet again InsyaAllah.

1 comment:

FaAtip said...

Cantiknya rumah Mimi....seronok aunty Fa tengok.... :)